With over 30 years of association with renowned scientists to bridge science and Buddhist philosophy, His Holiness said that more and more scientists are showing interest in human mind and emotion. It is contradictory to pray to god while we carry out all sort of work to create more violence.” He said, “It is our responsibility to reduce violence and through that bring peace. His Holiness also reminded that only prayer wouldn’t be able to bring peace on this planet.

He also warned that the generation of 21st century would suffer if the ‘killing, bullying and cheating’ continues. With many students present at the conference, the Nobel Peace Laureate said that the wars in the 20th century happened because of destructive emotions, shortsightedness and lack of moral principle. The Dalai Lama explaining moral principle said, “It is the sense of concern of other’s wellbeing and oneness of humanity, which is its basis.” It is unthinkable,” said the 82-year-old spiritual leader, adding that lack of moral principle makes religion destructive. Religion, which carries message of love, is also becoming a factor in the segregation of people and causing bloodshed. It is pity to see the marvelous brain being used for killing. “With anger science can develop awful destructive weapon. Organized by Bhaktivedanta Institute, Karnal, the conference was attended by around 600 students from various institutions and schools in Dharamshala, Haryana and Delhi, including students of TCV. The Dalai Lama was speaking at a conference on Science, Religion and World Peace at the Government Degree College in Dharamshala. DHARAMSHALA, November 4: The Tibetan leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama said whether science and religion become ‘constructive or destructive’ depend ultimately on moral principle.